Contact a Satsang in the United States


Over 100 groups (satsangs) meet around the world for inspiration and support in our shared practice of the eight-point program of passage meditation.

“In Sanskrit, this sharing is called satsang. The word derives from two smaller words: sat, meaning ‘the good’ or ‘truth’ or ‘reality’, and sanga, meaning ‘group’ or ‘association’. It signifies the seekers of the highest, banded together.”
– Eknath Easwaran

Each local satsang has its own meeting time, place and structure, but all satsangs include inspiration from Easwaran through one of his books or talks, and 30 minutes of passage meditation.

The purpose of satsang is for passage meditators to find support and inspiration for their practice. If you know the instructions in passage meditation and you’ve already started practicing, you’re welcome to get in touch with a coordinator.

If you’re new to passage meditation, you can get started with our free online resources.

If you don’t see a group near you, you can contact us for information about how to start your own.