DVD19: Facing Life's Toughest Challenges

Courage and Gentleness; Death and Immortality

Easwaran comments on “The Elephant” from the Dhammapada, to illustrate true strength and true courage; and then discusses big questions: What happens when we die? What can we learn from the deaths of loved ones? How can we go beyond death?

Talk 19a: Courage and Gentleness - Easwaran comments on his favorite verses from Chapter 23 of the Dhammapada, “Patiently I shall bear harsh words as the elephant bears arrows on the battlefield. People are often inconsiderate.” For Easwaran, true strength shows itself in kindness, and true courage in gentleness. With practice, we can make those qualities our natural response to difficulties – even painful ordeals like criticism and opposition.


Talk 19b: Death and Immortality - Easwaran is speaking a few weeks after his mother passed away. His topic is the spiritual perspective on death. What happens when we die? What can we learn from the deaths of those who are dear to us? How can we go beyond death to discover a changeless foundation for our lives? Easwaran provides answers to these questions in this talk, which is both intimate and universal.