I am very fortunate to live only a couple of hours from the Blue Mountain Center of Meditation (BMCM) and have been able to attend three retreats in Tomales since beginning my practice in earnest in early 2014. It’s such a gift to be able to take a break from my busy life, really focus on Easwaran’s teachings with no distractions, learn from people more experienced than I am—especially those who learned from Easwaran himself, and have a good solid dose of spiritual companionship in a beautiful setting!
Alas, it’s not practical to go to Tomales every week — my goal is to get there twice a year! But what I can do is have my own personal retreat — a day where I choose to put the chaos of everyday life aside and refocus my attention on the eight-point program.
Even though I live alone, my weeks are busy with work, household chores, and other activities, and though I do get my daily mediation in, I often struggle to weave the other seven points consistently into my life. I come back from a BMCM retreat energized and with lots of ideas for improvement, but daily life takes over again and I find myself needing a spiritual break!